Nigerian Chefs Work to Revive Indigenous Seasonings

Nigerian chefs Tunde Wey and Ozoz Sokoh are working to revive iru, an indigenous West African fermented seasoning.

Locust Swarms Threaten Food Security in Horn of Africa

The Horn of Africa is currently experiencing one of the most destructive locust invasions in history, threatening food security and the livelihoods of small farmers.

Africa’s Farmers: Key to Solving Malnutrition

For the fifth straight year, chronic hunger increased worldwide. But supporting small-scale farmers and ecologically sound farming practices has the potential to nourish communities and the planet.

New on the Podcast: Dr. Felix Kwame Yeboah on Youth-Powered Agricultural Development

Dr. Felix Kwame Yeboah describes his work at the intersection of agricultural development and youth livelihoods in Africa.

Helping Local Farmers in Madagascar Create Sustainable (And Profitable) Businesses

Dani Nierenberg chats with Tim McCollum, founder and CEO of Beyond Good, an organic chocolate company that exclusively sources cacao from local farmers in Madagascar and Uganda.

Hello Tractor Is Bringing the Sharing Economy to Agriculture

Food Tank talked with Priscilla Asonibare from Hello Tractor about Hello Tractor’s work in Africa, industry trends, and the potential of the sharing economy for agriculture.

Kenyan Produce Company Connects 13,000 Farmers to Vendors

One Kenyan produce company, Twiga Foods, is working to improve the lives of small-scale farmers and vendors through innovative technology and education.

Making Drones Work for Small Farmers

Drones for agriculture are increasingly popular, but technology needs tailoring to small farmers’ needs and diverse crops if UAVs are to take off across the developing world.

Opinion | Agroecology as Innovation

While financial interests in the current input-intensive systems are responding to growing calls for agroecology with attacks on its efficacy, it is surprising that they are so ill-informed about the scientific innovations agroecology offers to small-scale farmers who are being so poorly served by “green revolution” approaches.

Harmonizing Seed Rules in West and Central Africa

CORAF and partners have coordinated uniform seed rules, which spurs seed import and export among neighboring African states.

Global Soil Week to Discuss Sustainable Land Management

The 5th Global Soil Week will convene more than 200 experts, policymakers, and civil society representatives to discuss the urgency for investing in sustainable land management.

Confronting Gender Bias in Agriculture Takes Daily Work, Says Maiga of CORAF

Mariame Maiga of WECARD/CORAF talks about how confronting gender inequity in Africa is a daily obligation for anyone working in agricultural research and sustainable development.

Let’s Cook Kenyan Meals Nurtures Community and Healthy Lifestyles

Over 1.5 million more Kenyans cook at home with the help of Let’s Cook Kenyan Meals. Pamellah Oduor founded this Facebook page to bring joy, love and community through food.

IPM Empowers Farmers Not to Produce More, but Produce Better Mangoes

CORAF’s Project to Support the Regional Plan for the Control of Fruit Flies in West Africa developed a comprehensive integrated pest management package, empowering mango growers to grow fruit desired by the rest of the world.

Improving Supply Chains Can Help Ensure Nutritious Food Reaches the Poor and Malnourished

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition is aligning supply chains with human need, for a better food system between farmer and consumer.

Preserving Africa’s Cultural Heritage at the Dinner Table

Changing lifestyles and a reliance on imported food is eroding traditional cuisine in Ghana. Through food across the continent, this Ghanaian chef is celebrating and preserving Africa’s culinary heritage, one yassa, maboke, or fonio jollof at a time.

Rebuilding Agricultural Subsidies from the Ground Up

Greater use of improved seed and fertilizer will not be enough for sustainable farming systems in Africa, according to new article on fertilizer subsidy programs.

Fall Armyworm : A Threat to Africa’s Food Security

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization promotes awareness and provides resources to smallholders to help mitigate Fall Armyworm infestation in Africa.

Changing Women’s Lives in Ivory Coast

In West Africa where the percentage of women in poverty is growing, new technologies and crop varieties developed by the region’s leading researchers bring new opportunities for women and youths in terms of food and livelihood security.

Observations from a “Shithole” Country and a Note to President Trump

While visiting the West African country of Senegal, Food Tank President, Danielle Nierenberg, reflects on U.S. President Trump’s infamous statement about “Haiti and African countries” and the damage the President has inflicted.

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