Climate Week NYC 2020 Focuses on How to Rebuild After COVID-19

Climate Week NYC, this year’s largest climate summit, will take place virtually between September 21-27, 2020. It will feature hundreds of events on food, clean energy, policy, and more.

New Study Highlights Natural Disaster’s Impact on Global Agriculture Network

A recent study from Columbia University models the impact of a climatic natural disaster.

Climate Change Threatens American Workers’ Health, Report Says

A recent report details the devastating effects of climate change on the health and safety of American workers.

New on the Podcast: The Future of Food Policy Has Big Implications for the Environment

On “Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg,” learn about Kamala Harris on dietary guidelines and the implications of food policy. And hear from Ted Nordhaus of the Breakthrough Institute, Tom Philpott, author of Perilous Bounty, and Luis Guardia of FRAC.

Biden’s Ambitious Goals for Climate and Agriculture Require Bolder Strategies

The final draft of the Democratic National Convention Platform promises to help slow climate change and proposes a net zero emissions goal for agriculture, but Joe Biden’s strategies do not go far enough. There is still time to change that.

Social and Environmental Justice Activists React to EU Farm to Fork Strategy

The EU’s new Farm to Fork strategy marks a turning point in climate change legislation, setting forth principles to alleviate the environmental and social impacts of food production and food consumption

New England Lobster Fisheries Dip into Aquaculture

Lobsterers are expanding into kelp farming to increase resilience in the face of climate change.

Food Tank’s Summer 2020 Reading List

Food Tank’s summer 2020 reading list includes books on a wide range of topics, including food access and culture in Black communities, food relief programs, and the effects of technology on global food supply chains.

Australian Brewery Incorporates Algae into Beer Production

Algae is reducing an Australian brewery’s beer production carbon emissions.

Rob Larew Talks Corporate Consolidation in the Food System

Rob Larew exposes the social and agricultural injustices present in the food system and offer ways, primarily through legislature, to improve these injustices.

Impact of Climate Change on Pests and Diseases of Cassava Crop

Cassava is an important staple crop in many countries around the world and is crucial for food security. But climate change makes the staple crop vulnerable to pests and diseases.

LaDonna Sanders-Redmond on the Importance of Co-ops

LaDonna Sanders-Redmond exposes the social and agricultural justices present in the food system and offer ways, primarily through legislature, to improve these injustices.

Women: The Climate Solution We Need to Talk About 

Women make up nearly half of the agricultural labor force in developing nations yet many lack access to credit, education, and decision-making. Supporting women farmers is key to the climate change solution.

Cummins talks Green New Deal, Regenerative Agriculture, COVID-19

Ronnie Feldman is mobilizing support for regenerative agriculture and a Green New Deal.

New Entrepreneurship Initiative Helps Empower Women Farmers in the Philippines

Value-added products of coconut processing provide a critical source of income for women farmers and their families.

Nonprofit Teaches Seed Saving To Restore Farmers’ Food Sovereignty

Farmers can strengthen their resilience to climate change by savings seeds that are adapted to the environmental conditions of their region.

We Must Meet The Needs Of Those Most Affected By COVID-19, Says Kimbal & Christiana Musk

Today on “Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg,” Dani interviews Kimbal and Christiana Musk. They discuss the importance of providing nutritious meals for students who are food insecure and rely on school lunches for sustenance.

Food Workers Are On The Front Line In The Fight Against COVID-19, Says Patel

Dani Nierenberg talks with Raj Patel, Research Professor in the Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, about the impact of COVID-19 on food and farm workers.

The Amazon Is Approaching its “Tipping Point,” Scientists Say

As deforestation and wildfires sweep across the Amazon rainforest, imminent destruction of world’s largest rainforest is on the horizon, claim rainforest experts Dr. Thomas Lovejoy and Dr. Carlos Nobre.

New Study Reveals How Agroforestry May Improve Planetary Health

A new study reveals significant links between agroforestry and holistic health in sub-Saharan Africa. While the outcomes of agroforestry are determined by ecology, tree species and tree management, new findings present benefits for both human and planetary health.

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