Dreaming Out Loud receives ReFED grant to recover 500,000 pounds of food in Washington D.C.’s Wards 7 and 8
Policy and Organizing
Native-led Nonprofit Tackles Food Insecurity on Reservations
Native-led Partnership with Native Americans is supporting rural reservations in the fight against food insecurity during the pandemic.
Climate Change Threatens American Workers’ Health, Report Says
A recent report details the devastating effects of climate change on the health and safety of American workers.
New on the Podcast: The Future of Food Policy Has Big Implications for the Environment
On “Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg,” learn about Kamala Harris on dietary guidelines and the implications of food policy. And hear from Ted Nordhaus of the Breakthrough Institute, Tom Philpott, author of Perilous Bounty, and Luis Guardia of FRAC.
New on Food Talk Live: Ted Nordhaus of The Breakthrough Institute on How Tech and Intensification Can Save Agriculture
On Food Talk Live: The Breakthrough Institute director Ted Nordhaus explains the research behind his arguments in favor of high-yield crops, intensified animal production, and a globalized supply of cheap food.
18 Youth Inspiring Change Across the Food System
In honor of International Youth Day, Food Tank has highlighting 18 youth who are building a stronger the food system for the future.
U.S. Fishers Urge Congress to Aid Small Operations Affected by COVID-19
A coalition of over 200 U.S. fishers and seafood industry groups is working to increase federal aid for fishing operations impacted by COVID-19.
Biden’s Ambitious Goals for Climate and Agriculture Require Bolder Strategies
The final draft of the Democratic National Convention Platform promises to help slow climate change and proposes a net zero emissions goal for agriculture, but Joe Biden’s strategies do not go far enough. There is still time to change that.
Social and Environmental Justice Activists React to EU Farm to Fork Strategy
The EU’s new Farm to Fork strategy marks a turning point in climate change legislation, setting forth principles to alleviate the environmental and social impacts of food production and food consumption
New on the Podcast: Tom Colicchio and Irving Fain on Vertical Farming to Create a Sustainable and Safe Food System
Chef and Restaurateur Tom Colicchio and CEO of Bowery Farming Irving Fain discuss vertical farming and the ways that a localized farming model can create community resilience.
New on the Podcast: Teresa Romero Discusses Justice for Farmworkers
Teresa Romero, president of United Farm Workers, discusses food justice, fair pay, and the food system after COVID-19
New Tool Enables Decision Makers to See What Works in their Food Systems
The Food Systems Dashboard, created by Johns Hopkins Alliance for a Healthier World, GAIN, and FAO, offers a comprehensive view of over 230 countries’ food systems.
A Call for Community-Based Seed Diversity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 is pushing America’s seed diversity and sovereignty to a crisis point — and how we respond could affect our food security and even national security for years to come, writes Gary Paul Nabhan.
Scientists Continue the Search for the Source of COVID-19
Scientists are looking for the origin of COVID-19, but have yet to find a definitive source.
Corporate Accountability Report Details Big Business Influence On Nutrition Policy
A recent report from the global campaign Corporate Accountability uncovers conflicts of interest and misrepresented science that influence nutrition standards around the world. The report, “Partnership for an Unhealthy Planet: How Big Business Interferes with Global Health Policy and Science,”…
Food Tank’s Summer 2020 Reading List
Food Tank’s summer 2020 reading list includes books on a wide range of topics, including food access and culture in Black communities, food relief programs, and the effects of technology on global food supply chains.
New on the Podcast: Ricardo Salvador talks Science Advocacy
Ricardo Salvador, the Director of the Food and Environment program of the Union of Concerned Scientists talks science advocacy.