Small-Scale Farming

Monique Mikhail: “Food is an issue that is at the heart of so many other issues”

Monique Mikhail looks for food system solutions by trading in big agribusiness for support of small-scale, ecological farmers. She calls for investment sustainability that is spear-headed by the current generation and an education system that passes on that knowledge to future generations.

Alfrea Plants Garden Spaces into the Sharing Economy

Food Tank had the opportunity to interview David Wagstaff. He founded Alfrea, the company with an online marketplace for landowners, garden helpers, and farmers who want to sell produce.

Mexican Network Empowers Organic Farmers to Certify

The cost of organic certification is out of reach for many small-scale producers. The Mexican network Tianguis y Mercados Organicos is working to fix that, by using Participatory Certification Systems in their local organic markets.

Farm Theft in the Mississippi River Delta

Mississippi Delta Agricultural Theft Task Force unites farmers, law enforcement, and scrap metal dealers to identify farm thefts and prevent the sale of stolen property.

Helping Decisionmakers Understand the True Cost of Food

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) aims to make links in eco-agri-food systems visible as a result of their TEEBAgriFood project.

Improving Food Security in South Africa

Suren Sewchuran spoke with Food Tank about the work of Abalimi Bezekhaya, an organization focused on using urban agriculture to improve food security in South Africa.

Teaching Self-Sufficiency and Gender Development in East Africa

In countries of East Africa, Send a Cow’s training experts share new ideas about gender equality and organic agriculture in order to bring balance and self-sufficiency to communities.

Announcing the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition’s 2017 YES! Research Grant Competition

BCFN’s YES! Research Grant Competition supports sustainable research from young scientists.

Fran Drescher: “We are what we eat”

Fran Drescher, Executive Director of Cancer Schmancer, is speaking at the third annual D.C. Food Tank Summit, Let’s Build a Better Food Policy.

Erica Hellen: “Farming is our livelihood, but it is also activism”

Erica Hellen, co-owner and farmer at Free Union Grass Farm, is speaking at the third annual D.C. Food Tank Summit, Let’s Build a Better Food Policy, on February 2, 2017.

Mike Koch on Harnessing the Power of Consumer Demand

Mike Koch, Executive Director of FRESHFARM, is speaking at the third annual D.C. Food Tank Summit, Let’s Build a Better Food Policy.

Marc Oshima: “Access to healthy, delicious food is not about party lines”

Marc Oshima, Chief Marketing Officer and Co-Founder of AeroFarms, is speaking at the third annual D.C. Food Tank Summit, Let’s Build a Better Food Policy.

Dr. Shenggen Fan: “I know it’s possible to eliminate hunger”

Shenggen Fan, director general of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), is speaking at the third annual D.C. Food Tank Summit, Let’s Build a Better Food Policy.

Chocothon, the Initiative that Seeks to Save Cocoa Production in Ghana

Chocothon, a collaborative initiative for cocoa farmers, kicks off on January 18.

The Future of Food is in Cooperatives

Food Tank had the opportunity to speak with Narendra Varma, founder of Our Table Cooperative, a multi-stakeholder cooperative located in Sherwood, Oregon. Our Table has 58 acres of farmland, a grocery, and numerous farm-based educational opportunities, and the organization incorporates the…

Carbon Farming for the Individual

Carbon farming is not just limited to farmers. Individuals can help reduce atmospheric carbon and improve soil quality by carbon gardening.

Action-Oriented Research for Jamaican Farmers: Interview with the Winners of the BCFN YES Competition

Shaneica Lester and Anne-Teresa Birthwright have won the BCFN YES Competition with a proposal for action-oriented research on irrigation strategies for Jamaican farmers. Here’s how the became interested in the work and where they’re going next.

Empowering Indian Farmers: An Interview with Sneh Yadav

Food Tank speaks with Sneh Yadav, an Indian farmer and food entrepreneur, about organic farming and India’s food culture.

Ten Questions with Karen Lehman, Director, Fresh Taste

Food Tank had the chance to speak with Karen Lehman, Director at Fresh Taste, who will be speaking at this year’s Food Tank Summit in Chicago.

Ten Questions with Harry Rhodes, Executive Director of Growing Home

Food Tank spoke with Harry Rhodes, Executive Director of Growing Home, who will be speaking at the Food Tank Summit in Chicago.

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