Additional funds support conservation efforts to protect agriculture, rivers, and communities.
Op-Ed | The Most Sustainable Fish You Probably Never Knew Existed
The Bering Sea offers a global model for how fish, fishers, and communities can all thrive.
Revitalizing Seas: Creating a Sustainable Future for Oysters
The MA Oyster Project aims to keep oyster shells out of landfills and create regenerative habitats for the shellfish.
Watershed Project Bolsters Food Security in the Philippines
The Carood Watershed Project, focused on restoring degraded forests and water reservoirs, connects ecological health and food security.
Acknowledge Agriculture: The Sector at the U.N. Water Conference that Is Not Receiving the Spotlight it Should
Agriculture must receive the attention it deserves at the U.N. Water Conference to ensure food security and protect the world’s natural resources.
In the Driest Region of the World, Water Offers Peace
Transboundary water cooperation is seen as essential to ensure peace and stability in the MENA region.
Wasting Food is Wasting Water: Unveiling Food’s Water Footprint
GRACE Communications Foundation helps individuals and policy makers reduce the water footprint of food by providing education on how to make choices that waste less water through the Water Footprint of Food Quiz and Guide.
How to Build a Sustainable Blue Food Economy
Bringing together more than 100 scientists, an initiative emphasizes the importance of aquatic foods to food systems transformation.
Costa Rican Agricultural Cooperative Resists Expansion of Large-Scale Pineapple Plantations
For four decades, the Costa Rican village and agricultural cooperative of Longo Maï has worked to resist the expansion of multinational pineapple plantations while defending the land, water, and labor rights of the local community.
Research in Tunisia Explores Women Pastoralists’ Roles in Climate Change Adaptation
Women in Tunisia are increasingly involved in livestock activities. Facilitating their access to training and resources could save Tunisia’s degraded rangelands and contribute to climate change adaptation.
Irrigating Crops with Wastewater May be the Future of Farming
By using recycled wastewater as irrigation in agriculture, some farmers are hoping to mitigate the pressures of worsening droughts.
Agrivoltaics May Offer Fresh Way to Produce Food and Energy
Placing solar panels on America’s farms could generate more than 100,000 rural jobs and eliminate as much carbon from the atmosphere as taking 71,000 cars off the road each year.
Integrated Approach Is Needed for Food System Change, Says New Report
The FABLE Consortium’s recent report proposes strategies and pathways for 20 countries to develop sustainable land-use and food systems.
Monoculture Could Worsen Vulnerability to Climate Change
To boost agricultural resilience, research suggests, policymakers and producers must create more diverse farms by considering how single-species fields interact with water and feed into environmental threats.
Combating Water Scarcity on the Navajo Nation
Nearly one in three Navajo Nation households are without indoor plumbing. Yolanda Tso founded WATERED to bring handwashing stations to households to help fight COVID-19.
Native-led Nonprofit Tackles Food Insecurity on Reservations
Native-led Partnership with Native Americans is supporting rural reservations in the fight against food insecurity during the pandemic.
New on the Podcast: On World Oceans Day, Mark Zimring and Niaz Dorry Talk About Building Sustainable Fisheries of All Sizes
On Food Talk Live: Mark Zimring, who focuses on large-scale fisheries at The Nature Conservancy, talks about how to better monitor fishing practices around the world. Then, Dani is joined by Niaz Dorry, a community organizer and sustainability advocate who leads the Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance and the National Family Farm Coalition.
GRACE Communications Foundation Offers Free Lesson Plans to Help Students Understand Their Water Footprint
GRACE Communications Foundation released free, online lesson plans to help students understand and reduce their daily water footprint.
Opinion | There’s a Solution to the Fight Over Clean Water—and Trump’s Rule Isn’t It
The debate over clean water protections is missing an obvious answer that lies in the way we grow our food, says Jeff Moyer, CEO of Rodale Institute.
New Report Explores the Environmental Impact of Food Packaging
A new report says that we as consumers pursue healthy and sustainable eating habits, but still overlook the impact of food packaging on the environment.