
New on the Podcast: Emily Simoness Talks the Intersection of Food and the Arts, Feeding Food-Insecure Families

The Founder and Executive Director of Ryder Farm, Emily Simoness, talks about SPACE’s contributions at Ryder Farm and the local community, and how the program integrates people into the food system.

New on the Podcast: Nancy Roman on Fresh Food Distribution and Promoting Healthy Eating Among Children.

Nancy Roman of Partnership for a Healthier America on increasing access to fresh produce and encouraging healthy eating habits among children.

Healthy Habits: 14 Governments and NGOs Promoting the Mediterranean Diet

Government policies and organizations are implementing programs that encourage and provide access to a diet high in fresh, nutritious foods.

Chris Barrett Discusses the Ways Research Can Inform Agricultural Policy

Professor at Cornell University, Chris Barrett, discusses his research to help reduce poverty and malnutrition.

New on the Podcast: Lawrence Haddad on Promoting Nutritious Foods, Josef Schmidhuber on Agricultural Economics

Josef Schmidhuber on how economic research can build a more equitable and sustainable food system, Haddad on malnutrition and helping small businesses

Stephen Ritz on Urban Farming And Food Access in The Bronx

Stephen Ritz discuss how his organization is adapting to feed their community.

Feeding America’s Kids During COVID-19

Faced with nation-wide closures in response to COVID-19, school authorities and partners are stepping up to feed the 30 million children depending on school food service each day.

Nate Mook, CEO of World Central Kitchen Talks #ChefsForAmerica

Nate Mook talks restaurants serving meals to people in need during COVID-19.

Maureen Muketha Discusses Tule Vyema’s Efforts to Boost Food Security in Kenya with Sack Farming

On Food Talk Live, Dani speaks with nutritionist Maureen Muketha, the founder of Tule Vyema. In the city of Kiserian, Kenya, Tule Vyema teaches young women how to cultivate indigenous crops that can help them eat more nutritiously and be more food secure.

7 Places Where Soda Taxes Are Working

Soda taxes in these seven cities and countries are working, leading to decreased soda sales and sugar consumption since going into effect.

Kentucky Organization Using Pop-up Markets to Promote Fresh Food as a Human Right

The award-winning New Roots Fresh Stop Market (FSM) initiative uses pop-up markets and cooperative economics to bring fresh, healthy food to food insecure neighborhoods around Louisville.

Jeff Gordinier and Leah Lizarondo Talk About How Restaurants Will Survive and Food Recovery

Jeff Gordinier talks restaurant recovery, Leah Lizarondo talks Food Rescue Hero and the effect of food recovery in food insecure communities during COVID-19

New Protein Study Reveals Power of Millet-Legume Blends for Enhancing Human Health

ICRISAT’s Smart Food initiative released a study that reveals a combination of millets and legumes that creates a complete, nutrient packed protein. This new combination has the potential to help countries with malnutrition.

Marc Zornes, Devin De Wulfe Talk Food Waste, Food Delivery, COVID-19

Marc Zornes talks Winnow, artificial intelligence, and food waste. Devin De Wulfe discusses how Feed the Front Line NOLA and supports hospital workers with food from local restaurants

Dr. Mark Hyman Talks Functional Medicine, COVID-19

“For yourself, and your civic responsibility – you need to take care of your own health.”

VeggieRx Is Feeding Central Oregon’s Most Vulnerable Communities

High Desert Food & Farm Alliance’s VeggieRx program aims to encourage sustainable, healthy eating habits among Central Oregon’s most vulnerable communities.

Fatema Sumar Talks Oxfam America’s Response to COVID-19

“If you break the food supply chain, you can imagine how that would affect supermarket shelves”

Garry Michael Talks Fresh Food Delivery, COVID-19

What’s really important is stocking up on fresh produce – stocking up on nutrient dense food.”

Jenique Jones From City Harvest Talks COVID-19 Impact

“We’re making sure that we’re planning for, almost the unplannable”

Saru Jayaraman Talks Fair Wages, COVID-19

“There are some similarities [to 9/11] in terms of displaced workers, in terms of need for help, but those workers actually got help after 9/11. And in this situation, I think we’re teetering on the brink of a real great depression very similar, if not worse to, what we saw in the 30’s in terms of people outside looking for food.”

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