
New People and Plants Video Series Showcases Traditional Foodways

The new video series celebrates traditional foodways and knowledge systems.

Flowering Tree Permaculture Institute: Sowing Seeds of Sustainability

Flowering Tree Permaculture Institute is preserving indigenous wisdom to create a more sustainable and resilient world.

Project Boosts Biodiversity and Profits in Spanish Olive Groves

A project in Spain uses regenerative agriculture to restore biodiversity and improve profitability in olive groves.

The “Runaway Train” Rush to Plant Trees Ignores a Critical Global Ecosystem

Grasslands and savannahs represent some of the world’s richest and most diverse land areas, yet the importance of these ecosystems has long been ignored.

Farming Communities Around the World Hold The Key to Food System Resilience

With climate change posing a major threat to agriculture, scientists and farming communities are working to conserve the genetic diversity of crops for food systems resilience.

Our Changing Menu Launches Awareness Campaign About the Climate Crisis

Search the website’s ingredient databases to see how climate change will impact food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.

Million Gardens Movement Hopes to Build a Happier, Healthier World Through Home Gardening

A joint initiative by Modern Farmer and Big Green empowers one million American families to start their own home gardens.

Monoculture Could Worsen Vulnerability to Climate Change

To boost agricultural resilience, research suggests, policymakers and producers must create more diverse farms by considering how single-species fields interact with water and feed into environmental threats.

New on the Podcast: Jeff Dunn on the Food Industry, Carrots, and Going Plant-Based

For Bolthouse Farms CEO, Jeff Dunn, carrot-based products and other plant-powered meals are the next directions for the food industry.

Does Kenya Need GMO Cassava? Ask the World Food Prize-winner Who Saved Africa’s Cassava

Hans Herren, who won the 1995 World Food Prize for biological pest control, argues that Africa still does not need genetically modified cassava. Rather, natural solutions can treat pests and keep the soil and crops healthy.

Which Grocery Retailers Make the Grade on Bee-friendly Food?

A new scorecard ranks leaders and laggards on protecting pollinators from toxic pesticides in supply chains amid an “insect apocalypse.”

Herbicide Dicamba Banned by U.S. Court of Appeals

“The approved over-the-top use of dicamba and resulting dicamba drift has damaged millions of acres of soybean fields and countless acres of damage to other crops.”

Nigerian Chefs Work to Revive Indigenous Seasonings

Nigerian chefs Tunde Wey and Ozoz Sokoh are working to revive iru, an indigenous West African fermented seasoning.

A South Indian Researcher is on a Quest to Find Forgotten Foods

A local South Indian researcher is highlighting forgotten foods of the region’s past and reintroducing them to the world.

27 Organizations Working to Conserve Seed Biodiversity

Food Tank is highlighting 27 seed saving organizations around the world that are working to preserve genetic diversity and protect food security.

New on the Podcast: Sara Roversi Talks Future Food Institute and Food Technology

Founder of Future Food Institute, Sara Roversi discusses the institute’s motives to help create a sustainable agri-food system.

New on the Podcast: Rose Hayden-Smith on the Recent Rise in Home Gardening

Emeritus Advisor Rose Hayden-Smith on crisis gardening in the U.S.

Opinion | Ditch the Lawn, Save the Wild Bees

The Save the Bees movement should really be “Save the Flowers.” There are many more wild bee species than most people realize, says Deborah Hill.

Opinion | The Last Crop Before the Desert

Breeders from ICARDA are using a crop’s wild cousins to develop barley varieties that can survive on the fringes of the desert.

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